MMS Daily Announcements - Monday, December 6, 2021
Published on Dec 6, 2021 08:27

EL Testing:  7th grade EL ACCESS testing begins today.  7th grade EL students please report to Mrs. Bade in room 418 during WIN today.


Forensics:  If you missed the Forensics Kick-off meeting on Friday, but are interested in joining the Forensics team, see Mrs. Enyeart or Mr. Haas.  All Forensics student, join the Google Classroom and fill out your enrollment form this week.


Weight Room:  The weight room will be open Tuesday and Friday at 6:30am.  Mr. Bielmeier is excited to open it up!  It is open to anyone and is a great opportunity to improve your health and athletic ability.  Let’s get after it!


Girls Swim:  We have a swim meet on Tuesday, Dec. 7th.  Swimmers stay at MMS.  We will be boarding the bus back by the gym at MMS at 3:15pm.  We will be changing in the locker rooms at Chippewa Falls.  The meet is from 4:30 – 5:30.   The pool is at the middle school in Chippewa Falls.


Battle of the Books:  If you are interested in participating in the Battle of the Books, you can sign up in the library.  Our first meeting is Monday, December 20th during your lunch, but come sign up and get a head start on reading.  Ask Ms. Kim in the library for more details.


Quote of the Week: Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Word of the Month:  Enthusiasm


Reminders:  We continue to emphasize hand washing, physical distancing and respiratory etiquette.  A friendly reminder to all students to continue to hand wash or use sanitizer in the lunch lines.  We have sanitizing stations located throughout the building in pods, entry ways, lunch lines and in classrooms.  Please stay home if you are sick or if you or a family member are waiting on a Covid-19 test result.